domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2014



O corpo celeste com maior atividade vulcânica em todo o Sistema Solar é Io, uma das mais de 60 luas de Júpiter. O segundo astro mais ativo é a Terra.

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The Alps of Switzerland

Wanyuda Neeny
The Alps of Switzerland.
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This stunning mosaic image of M83, courtesy of the Hubble Space Telescope, recently gave rise to +The Zooniverse citizen science project called “STAR DATE: M83,” which aims to discover more about the formation and evolution of star clusters in spiral galaxies. M83 is also known as the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy and lies 15 million light-years away in the constellation Hydra. The bright magenta and blue areas in the image indicate that the galaxy has vast regions of star formation. Researchers have...
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Horsetail Falls, Yosemite National Park
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~ Oxbow Eruption ~

The end of a day that brought rain, snow, sleet, wind, more rain and...this wicked sunset. It really was surreal as we scrambled to capture what we could at the Oxbow of the Snake River. That light beam lasted maybe 3 minutes during which I captured only a few images that didn't have huge water spots from rain on my lens, despite constantly wiping the surface.

#TomLussierPhotography #Landscape #landscapephotography #Nikon #photography#nationalpark #NikonD300 #sunset #Wyoming #GrandTetonNationalPark...
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é preciso renovar

Às vezes é preciso trocas as flores,
outras vezes o vaso, algumas vezes a água,
mas sempre é preciso renovar.
E, para permanecer, é preciso mudar.

_________________Rachel Carvalho
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it's not hard to be alone

it's not hard to be alone, even in a crowd

I have to say ... between #FloralFriday and #TulipSaturday , my notifications blow up over the course of the weekend. That's a good thing. Thanks for playing with +Marilyn Benham and me today.
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Veljko Sekelj
Animations enhanced with 2 vertical lines for the full 3D effect

Just came across this great collection ( of animated examples on how easy it is to trick your brain to make funny connections that your eyes are not really seeing :) Very cool!

#opticalillusion   #illusion   #3deffects   #animatedgif   #3d
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Paul Simon Wheeler

This image was taken on a recent trip around the South Island of New Zealand.  It has been a while since I last spent some time on some LE photography.  It was good to dust the old filters off and get back into the LE mindset.


#fineartpls curated by +Marina Chen
#squaresaresassy curated by +Nathan Wirth
#blackandwhitefineartphotographygallery curated by +Joel Tjintjelaar
#plusphotoextract curated by +Jarek Klimek

and of course Monday would not be Monday without posting ...
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Abrigos da Segunda Guerra

Já pensou em plantar debaixo da linha do metrô? Abrigos da Segunda Guerra são transformados em fazendas subterrâneas:
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Abrigos da Segunda Guerra são transformados em fazendas subterrâneas
Projeto funciona embaixo de uma linha de metrô em Londres


  IMUNIDADE PARLAMENTAR SEM LIMITES?! Um texto-aula – didático-pedagógico sobre... Por Prof. Negreiros, Deuzimar Menezes – Consultor Edu...